Monday, September 24, 2007

What to do, what to do.....

I won't let myself be complacent about my house or my weight, so I've joined both Flylady ( and Curves.
Flylady helps a bit - if I would just be able to do 15 mintues of SOMETHING everyday.
Curves would help if I could get there the 3 times a week they recommend.

Doing, doing, doing....

I can't get my life in order - no matter how hard I seem to try. My house is a mess. Well, the living room, anyway. And the dining room. I'm 20 lbs overweight. I've got three jobs - not including the one as a mom to my 11 year old daughter. Did I mention I'm doing all of this on my own? Yup, I'm a single mom.
But I'm gonna get to a place I'm happy with.